

An AbstractAxisGrid describes a structured grid in N dimensions. Each axis has a name (form Names) and the type of the elements is T.


This is a N dimensional representation of a grid discretization which has a structure where the discretization along each axis can be defined through an AbstractVector. This implies that the discretization step along each of the axes is not constant.


This is a N dimensional representation of a grid discretization which has a regular structure where the discretization along each axis can be defined through an AbstractRange. This implies that the grid can be defined only through the start, stop and step for each axis.

axisnames(grid::AbstractGrid; include_units=true)

Get the names of the axis of the input grid. In the case of Unitful quantities, they can be excluded by setting include_units to false.

axisnames(f::AbstractPICDataStructure; include_units=true)

Get the names of the axis of the grid corresponding to the input data structure f. In the case of Unitful quantities, they can be excluded by setting include_units to false.

downsample(f, target_size...)

Downsample the given input f to target_size. If no size is provided, one is computed based on the type.

plotdata(f::AbstractPICDataStructure; kwargs...)

Universal plotting function for AbstractPICDataStructures. It uses fieldplot or scattervariable depending of the input type of f and adds a colorbar.

Keyword arguments

  • fig: The Figure in which to add the plot. By default it creates a new figure with Figure()
  • figurepos: The FigurePosition to use. The default is fig[1,1]
  • xlabel: The labes of the x axis of the figure. By default is determined with axisnames
  • ylabel: The labes of the y axis of the figure. By default is determined with axisnames
  • zlabel: The labes of the z axis of the figure. By default is determined with axisnames
  • downsample_size: Thw approximate downsample size for the input data.

By default (:default), it uses the heuristic values in downsample. If you want to avoid downsampling the data, use nothing. Otherwise, the argument is the approximate maiximun size along any direction.

  • cbar_orientation: The orientation of the attached Colorbar. By default is :vertical.
  • cbar_label: The Colorbar label. Empty ("") by default.
  • saveplot: Whether to save the plot or not. Default is false.
  • filename: The filename to use if saving the plot.

Any additional Keyword arguments are passed to the internal plotting function (fieldplot or scattervariable). If you specify an axis keyword argument using the standard Makie NamedTuple syntax, you can pass custom axis keywords, such as axis=(xticks=LinearTicks(10),).
