Advanced usage

If you need more control over the parameters, you can use the constructors for the laser types directly.

struct GaussLaser <: AbstractLaser

The GaussLaser is defined by the units of the laser (a positional argument that can be :SI, :atomic or :SI_unitful and :atomic_unitful) and the following parameters

  • λ is the laser wavelangth
  • a₀ is the normalized vector potential (defined as $a_0=\frac{eA}{m_e c^2}$)
  • ϕ₀ is the initial phase with the default value 0.0
  • w₀ is the beam radius at the Rayleigh range or beam waist
  • ξx and ξy give the polarization and have the default value 1.0 + 0im and 0.0 + 0im
  • orientation specifies how the laser is oriented with respect to the

default coordinate system (default (:x, :z)). See LaserGeometry for more details.

  • propagation_dir is the propagation direction of the wave in the

intrinsic coordinate system (default :z). See LaserGeometry for more details.

  • profile is the temporal profile of the pulse and the default one is constant (infinite pules duration)

During the initialization of the GaussLaser type, some useful derived values are also computed

  • ω is the angular frequency and is given by $2π c / λ$
  • k is the wavenumber and is given by $2π / λ$
  • z_R is the Rayleigh range and is given by $k w_0^2 / 2$
  • T₀ is the laser period and is given by $2π / ω$
  • E₀ is the amplitude of the electric field and is given by $a_0\frac{m_q c \omega}{q}$
struct LaguerreGaussLaser <: AbstractLaser

The LaguerreGaussLaser is defined by the units of the laser (a positional argument that can be :SI, :atomic or :SI_unitful and :atomic_unitful) and the following parameters

  • λ is the laser wavelangth
  • a₀ is the normalized vector potential (defined as $a_0=\frac{eA}{m_e c^2}$)
  • ϕ₀ is the initial phase with the default value 0.0
  • w₀ is the beam radius at the Rayleigh range or beam waist
  • ξx and ξy give the polarization and have the default value 1.0 + 0im and 0.0 + 0im
  • orientation specifies how the laser is oriented with respect to the

default coordinate system (default (:x, :z)). See LaserGeometry for more details.

  • propagation_dir is the propagation direction of the wave in the

intrinsic coordinate system (default :z). See LaserGeometry for more details.

  • profile is the temporal profile of the pulse and the default one is constant (infinite pules duration)
  • p is the radial index of the mode, $p ∈ ℤ, p ≥ 0$, with the default value 1
  • m is the azimuthal index of the mode, $m ∈ ℤ$, with the default value 0

During the initialization of the LaguerreGaussLaser type, some useful derived values are also computed

  • ω is the angular frequency and is given by $2π c / λ$
  • k is the wavenumber and is given by $2π / λ$
  • z_R is the Rayleigh range and is given by $k w_0^2 / 2$
  • T₀ is the laser period and is given by $2π / ω$
  • E₀ is the amplitude of the electric field and is given by $a_0\frac{m_q c \omega}{q}$
  • Nₚₘ is a normalization factor given by $\sqrt{(p+1)_{|m|}}$, with $(x)_n$ the Pochhammer symbol

Laser Geometry

struct LaserGeometry

The geometrical aspects of the laser can be described through its orientation with respect to a given reference system and by its propagation.
