Temporal Profiles

The complete expression of the electromaginetic fields describing the laser pulse is given by the combination of the spatial part together with the time dependence.

g(z, t, par)

The time dependence of the fields defined by this package is given by

\[g(z, t) = \exp(i ω t) envelope(z, t),\]


  • z and t are the position on the $Oz$ axis and the time
  • par are the laser parameters which pass the corresponding profile to the envelope


  • $ω$ is the angular frequency of the laser pulse
  • $envelope(z, t)$ is a function that can be used to control the duration of the pulse

There are several types that provide profiles to the temporal envelope:

struct ConstantProfile

This is the trivial profile

\[envelope(z, t) = 1\]

which gives an infinite duration for the electromagnetic field configuration (we cannot call this a laser pusle since a pulse implicitely has a finite duration).


This envelope provides a finite duration for the laser pulse and thus can provide a more realistic description of an actual laser pulse.

\[envelope(z, t) = \begin{cases} \cos\left[\left(\frac{φ}{τ}\right)\right]^2, & \text{for } |t - t₀| < τ / 2\\ 0 \,, & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]


\[\varphi = (t - t_0) - \frac{z - z_0}{c}\,,\]


  • c is the speed of light
  • τ is the duration of the pulse and has the default value 18.02fs
  • t₀ is the origin of the time axis and it is 0 by default
  • z₀ is the initial position of the intensity peak and is 0 by default

This envelope provides a finite duration for the laser pulse and thus can provide a more realistic description of an actual laser pulse.

\[envelope(z, t) = \exp\left[-\left(\frac{φ}{τ}\right)^2\right],\]


\[\varphi = (t - t_0) - \frac{z - z_0}{c}\,,\]


  • c is the speed of light
  • τ is the duration of the pulse (FWHM) and has the default value 18.02fs
  • t₀ is the origin of the time axis and it is 0 by default
  • z₀ is the initial position of the intensity peak and has the default value -4*τ*c

This envelope produces a pulse with a predominant constant part of width $Δz$ which could offer better results than the Gaussian profile in the paraxial limit (which is considered for the spatial profiles). The shape of the envelope is given by

\[envelope(z, t) = \begin{cases} \exp\left[-\left(\frac{φ + Δt/2}{τ}\right)^2\right], & \text{for } φ ≤ \frac{Δt}{2}\\ 1\,, & \text{for } \text{otherwise}\\ \exp\left[-\left(\frac{φ - Δt/2}{τ}\right)^2\right], & \ φ > \frac{Δt}{2} \end{cases}\]


\[\varphi = (t - t_0) - \frac{z - z_0}{c}\,,\]


  • c is the speed of light
  • τ is the duration of the pulse (FWHM) and has the default value 18.02fs
  • t₀ is the origin of the time axis and it is 0 by default
  • z₀ is the initial position of the intensity peak and has the default value -4*τ*c
  • Δt is the duration of the flat part of the profile and the default value 10*τ